Many nations provide startup visas or conditional residence permits to immigrant entrepreneurs who want to raise funds or start a new business in another country. These candidates will be able to get permanent residency in the nation in which they want to launch their own creative and distinctive business. The following are the top 5 countries that provide Startup visas to entrepreneurs looking to start their own business:

With over 1,000 firms operating in Estonia, it has one of the most popular startup visa schemes in the world. These Startups can be rented for three months or a year.

When it comes to start-up visa programmes, we can’t leave out Canada startup programmes, which are meant for entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to start a firm in Canada with the aid of a designated organisation and their unique ideas. In addition, visa holders must demonstrate proof of financial resources to maintain themselves and their dependant families.

The country’s Investors and Entrepreneur visas allow you to own and operate a business in the country. This visa also permits you to run a business or invest in Australia, as well as start your own business. There are three sorts of visas available via this route: two types of Business Innovation and Investment visas and a Business Talent visa. Each of these visas requires a certain amount of finance, English language skills, and a business plan.

Because you cannot join an existing firm in the UK, you can apply for a UK startup visa if your business ideas are fresh and innovative. The company concept should not only be distinctive, but it should also have the potential for development and improvement, as well as the ability to produce local jobs. You can stay for up to two years on the startup visa or move to it from another visa while still in the UK.

The Startup Entrepreneur Programme (STEP) was established by the Irish government in 2012. This is an Irish startup initiative that assists immigrant entrepreneurs in establishing their firms and settling in Ireland.
Do you want to learn more? Drop us a mail at to speak with one of our startup visa consultants or visit our website book free consultation.